Teacher's Ramblings

A potpourri of education, politics, family matters, and current events.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Weekend Ramblings

Two of the kids were home for the weekend, would have had to break arms to get on the computer and that's too expensive. Daughter came in to sing at a friend's wedding. Youngest came home to visit, (mostly his girlfriend), and to get his larder and phone card re-supplied. The daughter returned to school yesterday and the boy is going back at noon. Unfortuately for writing, have to do lesson plans, modifications, and my own school work. Probably should pay a couple of bills too, to keep the wolves from the door.

Seems the Guardian has been up to more nonsense, http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguide/columnists/story/0,,1333748,00.html . I did manage to get off an email to them yesterday, while showers were being taken. The upside to their interference, more votes for GW. Thanks Guardian! (HT: INDC Journal), http://www.indcjournal.com/archives/001196.php

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