Teacher's Ramblings

A potpourri of education, politics, family matters, and current events.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

In a Teacherly Mood I Guess

I've been looking at some education sites, trying to get some help with the institute, alas. At Joanne's site, I found the above link to a Tech Central article she wrote about a year ago, dang do I agree. If I get another note from a parent, asking me to give their lil' darling another day to work on an assignment, because they had to attend football, figure skating, gymnastics, or cheerleading practice, I will have a meltdown that rivals Lawrence O'Donnell's. (BTW, one would think that word would filter down, I do NOT give extra time for the assignments).

Here's an excerpt from Joanne's column:

So. Is soccer really more important than studying? Should teachers eliminate math homework so kids can spend more time practicing karate kicks?

Intelligently assigned homework of reasonable difficulty is worth the effort. In elementary school, a little homework develops good work habits, though it doesn't boost achievement. Middle and high school students learn more, especially in math, when they study more. They also prepare to learn independently -- if Mom and Dad back off and let them do their own work.

Limit after-school activities. Turn off the TV. There's plenty of time for homework -- if it's the top priority.

Joanne Jacobs blogs on education at www.joannejacobs.com. She is writing a book on a start-up charter school.

BTW, an earlier post is on the point that her book HAS been accepted by a publisher! Congratulations, again.

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