Teacher's Ramblings

A potpourri of education, politics, family matters, and current events.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Peaktalk on Netherlands and Islam

via Carnival of the Vanities, http://www.legendgames.net/myblog.asp?view=plink&id=359

The key question after all the great analysis of the
Van Gogh murder and its origins is, where do we go from here? The Dutch cabinet yesterday announced a set of drastic measures to more effectively wage the war on terror. It’s good news that there is now a clear recognition of what’s happening and that half-baked measures (monitoring radical mosques, stepped up alertness) do not longer work. But I have my doubts about their effectiveness. Firstly, any overhaul of the justice and security systems needs to be done on a pan-European basis. One of the more disastrous implications of the new European Union is the open border policy and it was one of Fortuyn’s wishes to reinstate border controls, simply because it is a very simple way to enhance security. The other qualifying statement needs to come in terms of the commitment to wage this war, if you look at the reaction to the “Thou Shalt Not Kill” sign you can see that the Dutch have ways to go and leave their pre-programmed politically correct values behind. Only time will tell if the required mentality change has indeed materialized. But there is one other component that will be an integral part of the fight against Islamist terror, here’s what it is.

Amsterdam deputy mayor
Ahmed Aboutaleb – yes, Amsterdam has a Jewish mayor and a Muslim deputy mayor, both from the left-leaning Labour party – showed guts earlier this week. A very emotional Aboutaleb addressed his fellow Muslims in an Amsterdam mosque shortly after the murder, focusing in on the core values of Dutch society and the need for immigrants to accept these: You won't believe what is said! Read it...

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